ACSe and its business environment




ACSe provides independent audit services for clients willing to increase the trustworthiness of their investors, as well as regulatory audits for clients, which are obliged to fulfill specific requirements.




As an auditor in Luxembourg, ACSe's major role is to actively participate in the supervision of professionals in the financial sector, exercised by the Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervisory Body (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier "CSSF"). 

The CSSF is setting up different guidelines through various number of circulars, to facilitate the active participation in the financial sector of the different actors.

All the CSSF's  circulars can be found on the official website:


As Réviseur d'entreprises agréé, ACSe is a member of the IRE (Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprise)


For Banks and other professionals of the financial sector, the current legislation applicable is the Law of April 5, 1993, as well as the CSSF Circular 01/27 (as amended by Circulars CSSF 08/340, CSSF 10/484 and CSSF 11/521) or CSSF 03/113.

The law applicable for the audit of Funds' financial statements is the Law of December 20, 2002, as well as Circular 2002/81.


Please keep in mind that the legislation in Luxembourg is constantly changing and new version of the laws cited above might exist already ! The same applies to the CSSF's circulars !

More information about the current legislation and other useful tools can be found on:

                (Registre de commerce et des sociétés)              (Commission des Normes Comptables LU)


On Belgian side:    (Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises) (Commission des Normes Comptables BE)        (BNB Centrale des Bilans)


More about us, you can find by clicking on the links below: